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Why a Quickscan
Operating drones within larger companies often start with a pilot project before they become a serious part of the business. In that transition fase, the focus usually lies with obtaining permission and training remote pilots. But safely and successfully operating unmanned systems has become much more than that. Is our permissions still covering all operations? Who oversees updating UAS software and who will test the systems afterwards before deployment? Can our remote pilots plan a drone operation when they are not current? Who keeps track of all pilot certificates and their currency? How do we handle complaints about team members internally? And so on.

Occasionally it is wise to take a step back and evaluate all unmanned aviation matters, especially since it is often a new and fast developing activity. We have yet to encounter a large drone operator who is 100% compliant all the time. But a good operator does wants to be aware of all liabilities at any time.

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Thank you for reading my post. Feel free to contact me or my business partner Pieter Franken any time. My next publication will focus on the obligations drone operators have to train their crew (pilot, observer, payload operator) and how to comply with the Dutch legal requirements when applying for an operational license. Questions that will be answered are:

  • Is the operator solely responsible for training their drone operating staff?
  • Must a qualified entity (aangewezen opleidingsinstelling) always be used for training drone pilots in The Netherlands?
  • How do I implement training and proof of training in our permit application?
  • Can we train and examine drone pilots internally and still be compliant?
  • What to expect during a IL&T audit concerning drone pilot training?